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Infertility in Males and Females: Causes, Symptoms, and Ayurvedic Treatments by Dr. Anand Jha Sahab

Infertility in Males and Females

What is Infertility?
Infertility is a condition where a couple is unable to conceive or have a successful pregnancy despite regular and unprotected sexual intercourse for a year or more. It can affect both men and women and may be caused by various factors.

Causes of Infertility:
In Females:

  1. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Hormonal imbalance leading to irregular ovulation.
  2. Endometriosis: Tissue from the uterine lining grows outside the uterus, affecting fertility.
  3. Fallopian Tube Blockage: Obstruction in the fallopian tubes prevents the egg from meeting sperm.
  4. Age: Fertility declines with age, especially after 35.
  5. Uterine Issues: Conditions like fibroids can interfere with pregnancy.
  6. Hormonal Imbalances: Thyroid disorders or excessive stress can affect fertility.

In Males:

  1. Low Sperm Count: Insufficient sperm production reduces fertility.
  2. Poor Sperm Quality: Abnormal shape or motility of sperm.
  3. Erectile Dysfunction: Difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection.
  4. Varicocele: Enlarged veins in the scrotum can overheat the testicles, affecting sperm production.
  5. Hormonal Imbalances: Hormone disorders can lead to infertility.

Symptoms of Infertility:

  • Inability to conceive after a year of regular, unprotected intercourse.
  • Irregular menstrual cycles in females.
  • Sexual dysfunction in males.
  • Pain or discomfort in the pelvic region.
  • Hormonal imbalances or abnormal lab results.

Ayurvedic Treatments by Dr. Anand Jha Sahab (B.A.M.S):
Dr. Anand Jha Sahab specializes in Ayurvedic treatments for infertility, providing personalized solutions to address the root causes:

  1. Herbal Medicines: Ayurvedic herbs are used to balance hormones, improve reproductive health, and enhance fertility.
  2. Dietary Guidance: Tailored dietary plans aim to enhance reproductive function and overall health.
  3. Lifestyle Modifications: Stress management, yoga, and other lifestyle changes help optimize fertility.
  4. Panchakarma Therapies: Detoxification therapies may be recommended to cleanse the body and balance energies.
  5. Male Infertility Treatments: Specific treatments are available to improve sperm count and quality.
  6. Female Infertility Treatments: Ayurvedic approaches target conditions like PCOS and endometriosis.

For comprehensive Ayurvedic care for infertility, consult with Dr. Anand Jha Sahab.

For Appointments, Call: 0512 250 1695, +91-9335276993, +91-9889158769

Clinic Address: 117/N/114, Dr. Anand Jha Sahab Building, Jha Marg, near Deoki Palace, Kakadeo, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208025

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